Contemporary Art Exhibition "Feelings and Emotions"
"Feelings and Emotions"
Exhibition of Contemporary Art
Artistic framing
In this collection entitled “Feelings and Emotions” the artist summarizes in 14 works the most common thoughts of mankind and the most hidden feelings of her I of her. p>
To do this, she brings together contrasting materials and technologies, such as steel, wood and silicone, in a single collection. The latter is skilfully worked and modeled by the artist, who has developed a unique technique for mixing acetyl-based silicone and water-based acrylic, materials that are naturally repellent to each other but which, thanks to a specific procedure, are able to give life to real masterpieces of contemporary art.
The result is three-dimensional paintings that seem to become hanging sculptures and sculptures that literally seem to come out of space.
The “Feelings and Emotions” collection consists of 10 three-dimensional paintings and 4 sculptures.
The feelings touched by these works range from happiness, to passion, to shyness, from the presence of one’s own ego to its absence. Within the 10 paintings we also find a diptych that pays homage to Harlequin, a comic and dramatic character at the same time and to whom the artist has dedicated several works during his career (we mention among others “The Harlequins” (A B e
C version), 2 paintings and a tapestry made between 2015 and 2016; “Arlecchino nella Terra dei Giganti” (A and B Version), oil painting on canvas and digital NFT made respectively in 2017 and 2022)
The “Catania Technique”:
The “Feelings and Emotions” collection is created through a skilful and unique technique developed by the artist Cesare Catania starting in 2012.
The technique used in fact consists in mixing together, at a specific temperature and in well-defined environmental conditions, materials which would naturally tend to repel each other such as silicone, acrylic, colored pigments, glues and resins. This artistic technique gives the work of art a unique materiality and vivacity of colour, allowing the artist to model the paintings as if they were sculptures and to give birth to colored sculptures in paste as if they were paintings.
The process just described also solves the problem of the fragility of the works of art, an issue that is certainly of considerable importance and mainly linked to the transport and conservation of the works themselves.
A dive into the “Feelings and Emotions” Collection!
The collection represents all the feelings and emotions that accompany the artist in the creative process and is made up of the following unique pieces.
Work Number 73 – Black – Incognito
The first real feeling that distinguishes the production of a work of art for Cesare Catania is the absence of any specific thought referring to it. The unknown (in absolute black) represents the uncertainty about what to express and from an emotional point of view it is identified with the restlessness of those who question themselves absently in front of a blank canvas or in front of a shapeless block of clay.
Further details on the work “Nero – Incognito” below
Work Number 74 – Yellow – Happiness
As soon as a first inspiration comes to the artist’s mind, he immediately feels a sense of happiness, something that fills his heart and head. In this phase the inspiration is absolutely immature but it is already starting to attract the artist’s mind.
Further details on the work “Yellow – La Felicità” below
Work Number 75 – White – Purity
At this moment the artist tries to clean up his point of view and make it as multi-perspective as possible. Looking at the inspiration from multiple angles, in fact, the author manages to understand what is actually the predominant aesthetic and sentimental meaning of his inspiration. In this phase the artist must necessarily be free from prejudices.
Further details on the work “White – La Purità” below
Work Number 76 – Green – Relaxation
Almost as if you were at the beginning of a meditative process, Relaxation plays a fundamental component in the creation of a work of art. Once a first unripe inspiration has touched the artist’s heart and after the mind has freed itself from filters and prejudices, now it’s up to the body to find its balance.
Further details on the work “Verde – Il Relax” below
Work Number 77 – Rose – Shyness
The moment he approaches to execute his own work of art, despite his artistic background and despite the fact that the ideas are now clear on what to represent, the artist experiences a feeling of absolute smallness and shyness in front of the work not yet created. In this, shyness enhances the executive spontaneity and the artistic authenticity of the creative process.
More details on the work “Rosa – La Timidezza” below
Work Number 78 – Blue – Positive Vibrations
Whether the work in question is inspired by emotions of happiness or not, in any case the artist must perceive that he is in harmony with the work he is performing, he must feel the same vibrations of the work that is being born. Only in this way can he become one with the new creation.
More insights on the work “Blue – Positive Vibrations” below
Work Number 79 – Red – The Passion
During the pure creative process, the predominant feeling must be passion, understood as passion for what is being done. This sensation for the artist alternates with the critical sense, the latter always understood in a constructive sense. From this emotion forward, in which heart and head are synchronized in unison, all the previous emotions are embraced by the artist who goes from single “musician” of his work to “composer and conductor”.
Further details on the work “Rosso – La Passione” below
Work Number 80 – The Presence
The first sculpture of the diptych in question represents presence. Physically and strictly speaking, the two rusty steel planes of the cube balanced on one of its corners seem to contain a shapeless mass of silicone and black and white acrylic, almost as if to confine the presence of the work to the place where is located and in its geographical and temporal uniqueness. In a broad sense, the meaning of this phase is very clear: the artist perceives his presence in that place exactly in front of the work he is creating and savors all its distinctive features. In practice, the artist tries to savor his presence in the place and time in which he finds himself in front of his almost complete work of art. This state of mind is fundamental for what will come immediately after: Absence.
More details on the work “The Presence” below
Work number 81 – The Absence
Contrary to the previous sentiment, in this case the artist instead has to make an effort to absent himself from the situation in which he finds himself. This is to try to give a new perspective and a new point of view to a work of art that is now almost finished. The absence with respect to one’s creation is necessary because, after having always spent some time in front of the same evolving work, the artist no longer has a clear mind to be able to judge. The difficulty of placing oneself “distant and absent” from something that is pervading the heart and mind at that moment, makes this process extremely complex.
More details on the work “L’Assenza” below
Work number 82 – Love
At the end of the creative process, when the work is completed and when inspiration has found complete fulfillment in the artistic expression produced, the artist is completely in love with what he has created. This feeling is the evolution of all the previous ones and completely resets its value once it occurs.
More details on the work “L’Amore” below
Works number 83 and 84 – The Harlequins (A and B Version)
This diptych belongs to the “Feelings and Emotions” collection and pays homage to the character of the harlequin so dear to the author. Arlecchino is both a comic and dramatic character and represents mankind in the broadest sense for the author. For the author, we are all harlequins…
Already in the past the author has made several harlequins, both in traditional art and in digital art. We remember “Gli Arlecchini ( A Version) – 2015” , “Gli Arlecchini ( B Version) – 2016” , “Gli Arlecchini ( C Version) – 2016”, “Arlecchino nella Terra dei Giganti” (A Version) – 2017 , “Arlecchino in the Land of Giants” (B Version) – NFT – 2022.
More details on the works “The Harlequins (A and B Version)” below
Works number 85 and 86 – The Heart of the Earth (E and F Version)
This diptych belongs to the “Feelings and Emotions” collection and pays homage to a theme so dear to the Author, the theme called “The Heart of the Earth”. The Earth is seen by the author full of energy and meanings ….
Already in the past the author has created several works with the same title and the same theme, both in traditional art and in digital art. We remember “The Heart of the Earth” (A Version) – 2012 , “The Heart of the Earth” (B and C Version) – 2018 , “The Heart of the Earth” (D Version) – NFT – 2022.
More details on the works “The Heart of the Earth (E and F Version)” below
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Cesare Catania
Cesare Catania is an Italian artist. Painter, sculptor and digital artist, he began his successful career some time ago, fusing tradition and innovation in his art. His creative abilities and aesthetic taste enthusiastically embrace technology and development towards the future. In his works of art the boundaries between painting, sculpture and digital art blur, always maintaining his attachment to his contemporary art. After more than a decade of international success as a traditional artist, he has recently amazed critics for his ability to play the role of digital artist. Fascinated by modern art, architecture, cubism and the pictorial masters of the classical age, Cesare Catania’s artistic maturity is still evolving today; always looking for new techniques to best express his inspirations. p>
Clicca qui e scopri di più sull’artista Cesare Catania:
The Artistic Background and the ability to mix Silicone and Acrylic
Already in the past years Cesare Catania has created works of art by mixing silicone and acrylic.
The very first of the works created with this unique technique is entitled 'Le Uova" (2013), a three-dimensional painting that studies the contrast between shapes and colors and which gives the artist the opportunity to discover his own passion for this kind of expression .
Over the years, the artist created other works in silicone and acrylic. Among these we remember “La Macchia” (A Version 2013 and B Version 2017),
the collection of four sculptures entitled "La Bocca dell'Etna" (B C D E Version) created in 2017 and whose version E is studied by the author for those suffering from Dalton syndrome.
The “Cuts”
We also recall the whole series entitled "Il Taglio", five three-dimensional paintings made between 2017 and 2019 and which represent the evolution of a single stroke on a canvas through the opening of contrasting colors.
In particular we want to remember:
Work number 60 – “The Cut” (2017)
This three-dimensional artwork represents a black cut in a world charged with red turmoil. The cut artistically synthesizes a rapid and uncontrolled movement typical of the artist who creates a work of abstract art in front of his canvas. "Il Taglio" by Cesare Catania sums up concepts such as movement, abstraction, spatial absence, spontaneity and emotional charge. All in one sculpture framework.
More details on the work "Il Taglio" below
Work number 63 – “The Cut (B Version)” (2018)
This three-dimensional work of art develops the concept of the cut already presented in the work of art number 60 entitled "The Cut". It represents cuts in a world charged with red turmoil. As in the previous version, here too the cut artistically synthesizes a rapid and uncontrolled movement typical of the artist who creates a work of abstract art in front of his canvas. "Il Taglio" by Cesare Catania sums up concepts such as movement, abstraction, spatial absence, spontaneity and emotional charge. All in one sculpture framework.
Further details on the work “Il Taglio (B Version)” below
Work Number 64 – “The Cut (C Version) - Confusion” (2018)
This painting - sculpture of contemporary art elaborates the concept of the cut already presented in the works of art number 60 and 63 entitled "The Cut" A and B Version. It represents an open and confused cut in a world full of yellow agitation. Unlike previous versions, in this case the cut is not sharp but confused and undefined. Here too "Il Taglio" by Cesare Catania sums up concepts such as movement, abstraction, spatial absence, spontaneity and emotional charge. All in one sculpture to hang on the wall.
Further details on the work “Il Taglio (C Version)” below
Works Number 65 and 66 – “Il Taglio (D and E Version)” (2019)
These sculpture-paintings elaborate again the concept of the cut already presented in the works of art number 60 and 63 and 64 entitled "The Cut (A-B-C Version). These are two new versions of the Taglio and on this occasion they are covered by the artist entirely with Diamond Dust. Here too "Il Taglio" by Cesare Catania sums up concepts such as movement, abstraction, spatial absence, spontaneity and emotional charge.
Further details on the works “Il Taglio (D and E Version)” below
TG5 – Mediaset – Servizio di Approfondimento sulla mostra e sulla collezione.
Cesare Catania,il pittore, scultore e artista digitale continua a stupire
Feeling and Emotions, Cesare Catania espone alla Galleria San Babila da mercoledì 18.https://www.mentelocale.it/milano/eventi/210550-feeling-and-emotions-mostra-cesare-catania.htm http://www.artesocieta.eu/feelings-and-emotions-a-milano-la-nuova-collezione-di-cesare-catania-tra-arte-digitale-e-tradizionale/
Feelings and Emotions: mercoledì 18 la mostra a Milano
Feeling and Emotions, mostra di Cesare Catania
9 giugno, Milano – Galleria San Babila, Cesare Catania il pittore, scultore e artista digitale continua a stupirehttps://www.areamediapress.it/2022/06/07/cesare-catania-continua-a-stupire-il-pittore-scultore-e-artista-digitale-che-sta-riempiendo-la-scena-artistica-nazionale-e-internazionale/
A Milano, nella Galleria San Babila, la mostra Feeling and Emotionshttps://www.informazione.it/a/0AA26125-BCEB-447F-93CD-2314F164503B/Feelings-and-Emotions-mercoledi-18-la-mostra-a-Milano https://www.fattitaliani.it/2022/06/cesare-catania-continua-stupire-il.html https://www.fuorisalone.it/it/2022/eventi/2184/Back-To-The-Future-Art-NFT
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