Artwork 94 – Time

Artwork ninety-four


Il Tempo

Year: 2023

Dimensions: 50cm x 50cm x 70cm

Technique: Rusty Steel, Pear Wood, Murano Glass, Murano Mirror, Natural Rope

Il Tempo 2

Description of the Artwork "Time"

“The Canals” is the second of the 5 sculptures belonging to the collection entitled “The Other Side of the Moon”.

The Artist’s residence

Cesare Catania moved to Palazzo Donà dalle Rose during his personal exhibition to produce new sculptures and new works of art. The artist residency gives the artist the opportunity to be influenced by the city that hosts him. In this way, Cesare Catania’s new artistic production is a continuation of his poetics which for the occasion will mix with the artistic influences of one of the capitals of art history. Catania uses, among others, materials found locally, mixing them together with steel, silicone and acrylic, to give life to a new collection called “The other side of the Moon” and which is connected to the previous projects developed by the Donà Foundation from the Roses while remaining adherent to his own geometric and eclectic sculptural art.

Il Tempo 7

“Venice a Timeless City"

The third of the 5 sculptures is entitled “Time”. After having partially captured the importance of time in the second sculpture of the collection entitled “The Canals”, now Catania wants to pay homage to the time of Venice with a sculpture dedicated to him. The value of time for an eternal city like Venice is inestimable. A city where everything seems still and imperturbable for more than a thousand years, a city that is alive and at the same time eternal.

For this reason the author decides to ideally break down one of the sundials in Piazza San Marco and reassemble it on one of the 5 moons by inlaying it on pear wood.

“Il Tempo” is aesthetically halfway between a sundial and a chronograph. The different inserts made with different materials in the circular crown present between the two steel spheres almost seem to suggest that they can rotate on themselves just like the bezel of a watch would. Also present here as in the Canali are the tips on the external hemisphere, this time covered with a natural braided rope. The meaning of the rope, often used in the past by Catania (see for example the works entitled “La Gabbia” or “La Bocca dell’Etna”), in this case means the positive caging of a state of being in the present . In this specific case, the cage is the expression of a state of temporal stillness that characterizes the Venetian city, so dynamic but equally so the same for more than a thousand years.

Il Tempo 16

Time, a Sculpture that Marks the flow of Time

In front of the crystal belt, a second ring stands out, made with the same pear wood used in the “Sestieri”, precisely to enhance the charm of a territory that has been able to base its origins on wood (all the foundations of the city in fact they are made with this material that is so alive and so eternal).

A phrase conceived by the author is carved on the wooden belt which reads “The Venetian Canals: the place where water stops time” (Cesare Catania)

This is how the artist describes the water of Venice. A forest of canals where the water stops time, unchanged for centuries… a place in Venice that has never changed over the years.

And precisely the charm given by immutability over time leads the author to define among the “Moons” of the collection the first sculpture that also pays homage to time, positioning black and white diamonds in the external steel spokes, almost as if they were the tips of a clock. In this, the Canali can be considered the first sculptural clock by Cesare Catania

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