article extracted from the
Press Internazionale section
Country: ITALY
Source: Cinque Colonne
excerpt from the official article:
Cesare Catania’s new exhibition in Aosta
Until March 15, 2020, 5 masterpieces by master Cesare Catania will be on display at the Finaosta exhibition space in Aosta
Two sculptural works, entitled “ La Bocca dell’Etna ” , already exhibited in the past, among others, at the Museum of the Villa Reale in Monza and in the Principality of Monaco. These are two sculptures made of steel, silicone and acrylic, which from February 28 will be visible from the windows of Via Festaz as well as visiting the exhibition inside the exhibition spaces.
To these sculptures are added a < strong> three-dimensional painting r also made with silicone and acrylic plus a limited edition print retouched by hand by the artist, a print whose auction value at the last auction at the end of October 2019 was higher to 15,000 euros. A joke that confirms the positive trend of strong rise in the artist’s quotations as well as in the international ranking of artists according to Artfacts, one of the most authoritative sources used by art evaluation experts.
Finally on display in Aosta a masterpiece of contemporary art, “ Trois Hommes ”, oil on canvas tapestry over two and a half meters high, painted with a palette knife and retouched with a pad. It is a work that combines art and science , informal and cubism, symmetry and imagination. The same tapestry has already been exhibited among others at Palazzo Serbelloni in Milan.
Official source:
Ad Aosta la nuova mostra di Cesare Catania
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