article extracted from the
Press Internazionale section
Country: ITALY
Source: Italreport
excerpt from the official article:
A “Catania” to help the Amitié Sans Frontieres association and the City Angels.
Milan. Visconti Palace. The event organized by the Monegasque charity Amitié sans Frontieres was held here on 21 October 2017, which saw the Italian artist Cesare Catania as an exceptional guest and protagonist of the evening for fundraising. The Amitié sans Frontieres association, founded in 1991 by Madame Règine Vardon West and chaired by Prince Albert of Monaco, bases its activities on 3 key points: justice, tolerance and friendship. These are the values underlined in words and deeds during the evening and conveyed in this case also through the art of Catania. More than 150 guests were present at the dinner, including leading exponents of Milan good and authority.
During the gala dinner, organized by the sparkling Elena Mezza and presented by the exuberant TV presenter Paky Arcella, the artist Cesare Catania has wanted to donate one of his works of art to help raise funds and to plead the causes of the evening. The donated work is a limited edition copy hand-retouched by the author entitled “La Dinamica del Movimento (A Version)”.
More than half of the evening’s proceeds will go to the non-profit City Angels, l voluntary association founded in 1994 under the push of Mario Furlan and which helps others on the Italian and Swiss streets.
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