Source: L’Opinionista

article extracted from the
Press Internazionale section

Country: ITALY

Source: L'Opinionista

excerpt from the official article:

Cesare Catania at the “Royal Opera Arcade Gallery” in London

L ‘artist conquers London after the exhibition

LONDON – Great interest in the works of the Italian artist Cesare Catania , presented at the Royal Opera Arcade (ROA ) London Gallery . The artist has received numerous appreciations from the sector, capturing the interest of critics, collectors and experts; and was present as special guest of the Inside Edition Expo III .

Catania tells different worlds through colors, perspective and decomposition of the figures into simple three-dimensional polygons, as if to express a new way of observing problems and the surrounding reality.

This ability to decompose and model the solids that surround him is also found in his paintings, characterized by overlapping two-dimensional planes, and by a harmonious juxtaposition of solid and curvilinear. His artistic ability combines tradition for the use of plaster, wood, stone, oil paint; and innovation for the use of silicone and acrylic-based materials, creating three-dimensional works that come to life . Cesare Catania’s paintings are a “still image” of actions and feelings, an extreme synthesis between hermeticism and attention to detail.

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dipinti olio su tela e in acrilico,
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arazzi olio su tela e in acrilico,
opere d'ingegno (tra cui scultura monumentale e opere di architettura)
Cesare Catania painting


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artworks cesare catania


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tapisseries par Cesare Catania


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croquis d'art contemporain - Cesare Catania


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Oeuvres de génie par Cesare Catania

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1 - The Heart of the Earth B Version - Contemporary sculpture made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Heart of the Earth – B Version”
“... the marble dust coming from the Earth and the meteorite fragments coming from the Universe ...”
2 - Selfportrait - Contemporary painting made by the painter Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Selfportrait”
“... in this artwork Cesare Catania illustrates the oxymorons present in his personality ...”
3 - Harlequin in the Land of Giants - Contemporary painting made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Harlequin in the Land of Giants”
“... hyperrealism and surrealism ...”
4 - The Heart of the Earth C Version - Contemporary sculpture made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Heart of the Earth – C Version”
“... the power of the Earth ...”
5 - The Man Who Does Not See - Contemporary sculpture made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Man Who Does Not See”
“... the man is immersed in the society around him blindfolded ...”
6 - The Mouth of Etna E Version - Contemporary sculpture made by the artist Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Mouth of Etna – E Version”
“... passion for colours, for energy and for contemporary sculpture ...”
7 - Trois Hommes - Contemporary tapestry made by the painter Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Trois Hommes”
“... art and science …”
8 - Summer Readings - Contemporary painting made by the painter Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Summer Readings”
“... art and maths ...”
9 - The Cage - Contemporary sculpture 3D painting made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Cage”
“... 3D painting and sculpture in the same artwork ...”
10 - The Cutting A Version - Contemporary sculpture 3D painting made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Cutting – A Version”
“... abstraction and contemporary idea of art ...”
11 - Confusion - The Open Cutting - Contemporary sculpture 3D painting made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Confusion (The Open Cutting)”
“... abstract art ...”
12 - The Embrace B Version - Contemporary tapestry made by the painter Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Embrace – B Version”
“... everything starts from an embrace …”
13 - Flamingos at the Mirror - Contemporary painting made by the painter Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Flamingos at the Mirror”
“... the metaphor of human being ...”
14 - The Mouth of Etna F Version - Contemporary Sculpture 3D Painting made by the sculptor Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Mouth of Etna – F Version”
“... when the sculpture becomes energy ...”
15 - Woman with a Book - Contemporary painting made by the painter Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “Woman with a Book”
“... love for colours ...”
16 - The Mouth of Etna A Version - Contemporary sculpture made by the artist Cesare Catania - x Slider 1920x800
Artwork Title: “The Mouth of Etna – A Version”
“... passion for contemporary art ...”
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