Harlequin in the Land of Giants
B Version
Artwork 71
Harlequin in the Land of Giants
B Version
Digital art and NFT
Year: 2021
Size: 38.8 MB (1080p h.264)
Technique: Digital
Description of the digital artwork:
In this digital artwork, Cesare Catania resumes his oil on canvas painting entitled “Harlequin in the Land of the Giants” (2017) and revisits it in a digital key. In this digital version, the artist expresses his thought even more explicitly: the man, represented by Arlecchino (a comic and dramatic character at the same time), intends to chase his thoughts. In this run-up, the head rolls and twirls in space, as if wanting to simultaneously show both the lightheartedness and lightness of the character and the continuous chase behind their ideas and ambitions.
This crazy race behind their thoughts takes place. in a wider context, in a world where companies and multinationals (represented by the giant’s sculpture) literally play with us, a pastime that is represented by dice, chess and an engineering book, objects that respectively represent chance, strategy and method.
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Cesare Catania
Cesare Catania is an Italian artist, painter and sculptor. He started his successful career at a highly opportune time. In his art, tradition and innovation come together. His creative abilities and his aesthetic taste enthusiastically embrace technology and development towards the future. In his works of art the boundaries between painting, sculpture and digital art blur, while maintaining his attachment to his contemporary art.
The A Version (2017)
In the "Harlequin in the Land of the Giants" A Version (2017), Cesare Catania touches on the same themes clearly expressed in the digital B Version. In the 2017 Oil on Canvas version, Arlecchino is intent on playing chasing his head, as usual for the author, a sign of lightheartedness, despite being in a world full of difficulties, the land of the Giants.
Harlequin is painted in the plastic posture of the running athlete, as well as dynamic and fluid all the rest of the scene: the giant's foot in full motion, the bishop in free fall to the ground, the dice just fallen into the sand board. In the distance a book spreading its wings flying over the scene.
Cultural Background
There are many references to previous paintings by the author. In addition to the Harlequin, a character very dear to the author and already portrayed in other paintings and tapestries ("Gli Arlecchini" A Version, B Version, C Version) we find in this oil on canvas version of "The Harlequin in the Land of the Giants" the textbook already mentioned in the work "Summer Readings" (2016 - it is the "Theory of Shells and Thin Membranes", a tribute to Pier Luigi Nervi), the red-white chessboard and the standard bearer already present in the work “Gli Scacchi” (2016), as well as the reference to the difficulties encountered by the protagonist in this case symbolized by the land of giants.
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